Beers sorted by letter:

Select a letter from the alphabet above, and see all beerbrands from which the name starts with that letter. If you're looking for a particular beer, use the searchfield on the right-hand-side of the screen.

Most popular beers in the world:

Hovels Original BitterbierHovels HausbrauereiGermany
Haffenreffer Private StockNarragansett Brewing CoUSA
Leffe BlondeAbbaye de LeffeBelgium
Warsteiner PremiumWarsteinerGermany
Jelen PivoSerbia
Calder's Cream AleJohn Calder & CoScotland
Tripel KarmelietBosteelsBelgium
Birra KorcaAlbania
Kostriker SchwarzbierKostritzer Schwarzbier - BrauereiGermany

Last added beers:

Hurricane Amber AleArkell's
Wiltshire GoldArkell's
Hoperation IPAArkell's
Ink & DaggerAmundsen BryggeriNorway
Clockwork TangerineBrewdogScotland
Hazy JaneBrewdogScotland
Cygnus X-I Black LagerArgusUSA
Skull CapEdge BrewingSpain

Latest news

Free beer give-away
Anheuser-Busch is to give away free beer when the U.S. hits Biden’s July 4 vaccination goal. Anheuser-Busch, the country’s leading brewer, today announced a national... read more

Corona Beer to Halt Production
The suspension was announced days after the Mexican government ordered nonessential businesses to close. Corona beer has become a temporary victim of the... read more

Johnny Walker pours whisky in paper bottles...
Johnnie Walker, the whisky which traces its roots back 200 years, will soon be available in paper bottles. Diageo, the drinks giant that owns the brand, said it plans to... read more

Danish Carlsberg wants to sell beer in paper bottles
Carlsberg is getting closer to its goal of selling beer in paper bottles. The Danish beer company revealed two new recyclable prototypes of the sustainably-sourced wood... read more

Tennents investing 14m in green
Scottish drinks giant Tennent's has said it plans to invest £14m in environmental initiatives. From next Spring, cans of the lager - made at the Wellpark brewery in... read more